

Date Date Title
Date Date Title
2014-08-2929-Aug-2014 Parents' Talk organized by St. Stephen's Church
2014-08-1212-Aug-2014 Joint School Science Exhibition
2014-08-0808-Aug-2014 News From St. Paul's 2013-2014 
2014-07-3030-Jul-2014 Closure of Swimming Pool on 3.8.2014
2014-07-1515-Jul-2014 News on Leadership
2014-07-0707-Jul-2014 Eight Students attend CEI Conference in Yilan, Taiwan
2014-07-0707-Jul-2014 Summer Bowling Course 2014 
2014-07-0404-Jul-2014 Gifts Donation - Community Awareness Project 2014
2014-06-2626-Jun-2014 Chinese Reading Report Competition
2014-06-2525-Jun-2014 Results of Secondary School Mathematics & Science Competition 2014 organized by HKPU
2014-06-2424-Jun-2014 HK Physics Olympiad 2014 
2014-06-2424-Jun-2014 SA Old Book Sale 2014
2014-06-1919-Jun-2014 第五屆「文化瑰寶」朗誦比賽 
Secondary School (S1 - S3) : Aesop's Fables 
2014-06-1313-Jun-2014 Post Examination Computer Courses 2014
2014-06-0606-Jun-2014 Music Marathon 2013-2014
2014-06-0606-Jun-2014 Our Venture Scout is selected as the Scout of the Year
2014-05-2828-May-2014 駐校作家計劃寫作坊
Chinese Writing Workshop
2014-05-2323-May-2014 iAssembly - May 22, 2014 Novena
2014-05-2222-May-2014 Swimming Club 2014
2014-05-2222-May-2014 2014 Harvard Book Prize Award Ceremony
2014-05-2121-May-2014 Results of Joint School Librarianship Competition 2014
2014-05-1414-May-2014 SPC came 3rd in the Inter-school Bowling Competition
2014-05-1414-May-2014 English Debate Team Crowned Champion in Inter-school Debating 
2014-05-1414-May-2014 SPC boys represnted HK in Interport Hockey Competition
2014-05-0808-May-2014 iAssembly - Easter Today, May 8
2014-05-0505-May-2014 English Debate Team Enters Final of Inter-school Debating Competition 
2014-04-2828-Apr-2014 Justin Ho joined HK U-16 Football Team
2014-04-2828-Apr-2014 English Debate Team Enters Quarter-Final of Inter-school Debating Competition 
2014-04-1616-Apr-2014 Results of 2014 English Drama Fest (Modern Drama)
2014-04-1414-Apr-2014 Triple Jump Champion in WAC Junior Athletic Challenge 
2014-04-1010-Apr-2014 iAssembly - Retreat (from London)
2014-04-0404-Apr-2014 School Badminton Team Results 2013-2014
2014-04-0404-Apr-2014 Science Week 2014
2014-04-0303-Apr-2014 iAssembly - Caravaggio
2014-04-0303-Apr-2014 Champion in HK Youth Indoor Archery Tornament
2014-04-0101-Apr-2014 Education Exchange (2014) to Trinity-Pawling School, New York
2014-03-2828-Mar-2014 66th Music Festival (updated 28.3.2014)
2014-03-2727-Mar-2014 iAssembly: Lent - Almsgiving
2014-03-2424-Mar-2014 Gospel Week 2014
2014-03-2020-Mar-2014 iAssembly: Lent - Fasting
2014-03-1818-Mar-2014 Hong Kong School Boys' Hockey Squad
2014-03-1717-Mar-2014 中國文化周 2014
Chinese Week 2014
2014-03-1313-Mar-2014 Chaplaincy Speech in "iAssembly"
2014-03-1313-Mar-2014 WCRF 'Beat the Banana' Charity Run 2014 
2014-03-1212-Mar-2014 張曉風教授講座 (星岛日報 12.3.2014) Chinese Talk reported by Sing Tao 
2014-03-1111-Mar-2014 New Committee Prefects (Jan 2014 - Aug 2014) 
2014-03-0606-Mar-2014 Eastern District Athletics Competition
2014-02-2222-Feb-2014 Inter-school Athletics Championships
2014-02-2121-Feb-2014 RS Department "Your Red Packet" Donation 
2014-01-2727-Jan-2014 Chinese Debate Team 中文辯論隊
2014-01-0202-Jan-2014 Results of HKOI 
2013-12-2929-Dec-2013 English Society Newsletter
2013-12-1919-Dec-2013 Cheng Long (6E) received Watson's Student Sports Award
2013-12-1818-Dec-2013 Outstanding performance in Orienteering Compeition
2013-12-1717-Dec-2013 Young SPC Pianist Won China Reginal Piano Competition
2013-12-1212-Dec-2013 Results of Christmas Card Design Competition 2013-2014
2013-12-1212-Dec-2013 Results of Interschool Badminton Competition
2013-12-0909-Dec-2013 Visiting student from South Africa
2013-12-0404-Dec-2013 The new edition of Wayfarer is now released
2013-11-2626-Nov-2013 Chinese Debate Team
2013-11-1919-Nov-2013 Young SPC Archer represents HK in World Archery Youth Championship
2013-11-1818-Nov-2013 English Society: Thanksgiving Week 
2013-11-1818-Nov-2013 English Debate Team Won Sing Tao Debate 
2013-11-1212-Nov-2013 Outstanding Achievements of English Debate Team in HKSDC Debate Tournament 
2013-10-3030-Oct-2013 House Captains 2013-2014
2013-10-2525-Oct-2013 New Webpage of SPC Foundation
2013-10-2121-Oct-2013 Chinese Language & Chinese History Talk
2013-10-1717-Oct-2013 Careers Awareness Week 2013
2013-10-1616-Oct-2013 Kwok Ka Hing (3D) joins International Junior Science Olympiad HK Training Team
2013-10-1414-Oct-2013 SA: Joint Club Admission Day
2013-10-1111-Oct-2013 English Society: Lunchtime Activity
2013-09-2626-Sep-2013 Dress Casual Day
2013-09-2323-Sep-2013 Student Exchange Programme with Christ Church Grammar School In Perth, Australia
2013-09-1313-Sep-2013 Academic-in-Residence 2013, Dr. Chiara Ciccarelli (Physics)
2013-09-1212-Sep-2013 New Committee Prefects (Sept - Dec, 2013)
2013-09-1010-Sep-2013 New Swimming Records
2013-09-0909-Sep-2013 Eucharist Service (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
2013-09-0606-Sep-2013 Swimming Gala (Heats Day)
2013-09-0404-Sep-2013 SPC Boys represent HK in International Hockey Championships (U15)